Sunday, May 23, 2010


I know this is going to sound awkward, but I don’t really have a favourite animal. That’s right: it’s not like I love them all, but I just go with appearances: I really like the ones that most people find cute, such as bunnies, kitties, puppies and so on, But I also like some animals with amazing traits like arctic foxes (they can be at -70ºC without shivering), honey badgers (they hunt snakes and can survive a bite, and also, as its name implies, can break into beehives almost unscathed), cheetahs (beautiful and fast), and so on. I can’t really put them on a ranked list because the reasons I like them are quite different, and I can’t really argument about why I like one more than another one; and besides, there are no rules about likes and dislikes.
But I can tell you about how I knew about animals: I never had a dog or cat (I’m the faculty’s pariah) but my grandparents had a farm when I was little, and loved to play with bogs and bunnies. Also with some encyclopedias, some books my dad gave me and the first version of Encarta I read a lot about wild animals until Animal Planet was finally aired on cable TV. I guess my dream would be to work with wild animals such as helping them in rehab center or doing some wildlife conservation studies. I would even accept to work temporally in a zoo but I guess I would fell kinda awkward because I know animals aren’t really happy there. I’ve read some argument that said that animals can even be happier than wildlife, but I guess I’ll save that for the next homework: the argument is far too long and I’m already at the word limits. (299 words, without counting this sentence).


  1. I'd like to live in a farm someday and have a cow and a horse xD
    I'm agree with you, I'd like to work too in a rehab center.
    See you in class!

  2. Hi
    Working in a rehab centre is really cool. I was in one in South Africa, it was nice.
    See you.

  3. wow... I really like your homework. You gave really good arguments and you didn't have a fav animal.
    To my mind, animals aren't happy in Chilean zoos, but I think they could be happy if the zoos were like San Francisco's

  4. I know this is going to sound awkward, but I don’t really have a favourite animal. That’s right: it’s not like I love them all, but I just go with appearances: I really like the ones that most people find cute, such as bunnies, kitties, puppies and so on, But I also like some animals with amazing traits like arctic foxes (they can be at -70ºC without shivering), honey badgers (they hunt snakes and can survive a bite, and also, as its name implies, can break into beehives almost unscathed), cheetahs (beautiful and fast), and so on. I can’t really put them on a ranked list because the reasons I like them are quite different, and I can’t really argument about why I like one more than another one; and besides, there are no rules about likes and dislikes.
    But I can tell you about how I knew about animals: I never had a dog or cat (I’m the faculty’s pariah) but my grandparents had a farm when I was little, and loved to play with bogs and bunnies. Also with some encyclopedias, some books my dad gave me and the first version of Encarta I read a lot about wild animals until Animal Planet was finally aired on cable TV. I guess my dream would be to work with wild animals such as helping them in rehab center or doing some wildlife conservation studies. I would even accept to work temporally in a zoo but I guess I would fell kinda awkward because I know animals aren’t really happy there. I’ve read some argument that said that animals can even be happier than wildlife, but I guess I’ll save that for the next homework: the argument is far too long and I’m already at the word limits. (299 words, without counting this sentence).

    ok interesting argument anyway...
