Sunday, May 23, 2010


I know this is going to sound awkward, but I don’t really have a favourite animal. That’s right: it’s not like I love them all, but I just go with appearances: I really like the ones that most people find cute, such as bunnies, kitties, puppies and so on, But I also like some animals with amazing traits like arctic foxes (they can be at -70ºC without shivering), honey badgers (they hunt snakes and can survive a bite, and also, as its name implies, can break into beehives almost unscathed), cheetahs (beautiful and fast), and so on. I can’t really put them on a ranked list because the reasons I like them are quite different, and I can’t really argument about why I like one more than another one; and besides, there are no rules about likes and dislikes.
But I can tell you about how I knew about animals: I never had a dog or cat (I’m the faculty’s pariah) but my grandparents had a farm when I was little, and loved to play with bogs and bunnies. Also with some encyclopedias, some books my dad gave me and the first version of Encarta I read a lot about wild animals until Animal Planet was finally aired on cable TV. I guess my dream would be to work with wild animals such as helping them in rehab center or doing some wildlife conservation studies. I would even accept to work temporally in a zoo but I guess I would fell kinda awkward because I know animals aren’t really happy there. I’ve read some argument that said that animals can even be happier than wildlife, but I guess I’ll save that for the next homework: the argument is far too long and I’m already at the word limits. (299 words, without counting this sentence).

Monday, May 17, 2010


Well , it’s been four years and I still dont know a thing about Santiago, So I’ll think up of five nice places in my hometown, Viña.
1.- Quinta Vergara Park: besides the concert area, Quinta Vergara is an amazing park with a tree colletion from all around the world, severals hills and an art museum to boot. If you ever go there be sure to the check the giant Ombú near the eastern entrance, is big enough to hold around 10 people in the center and around 15 in its branches.
2.-Casino seaside: alongside amazing casino building there is around 15 blocks next to the sea covered in rocks. It’s a really nice view to the whole bay and if you feel like doing some exercise it’s really fun to jump from rock to rock (just be careful and don’t fall, you could easily break a leg).
3.-Flower clock: When you pass around it more than 1000 times, it’s not that nice anymore, maybe if you’re a tourist it’s still a pretty view.
4.-Sun Clock: a humbler version of a giant clock, overshadowed by it, maybe because it fails sometimes to show the right time because of bad weather(and you have to fix it according to the day and month of the year). It has a far better view to the sea than the flower clock and it’s way less crowded.
5.- Sibarítico hot dogs: after seeing all the list maybe you’ll get hungry (you can see all of them in one day and on foot). They’re cheap, delicious and big, and I’ve never seen it closed or empty no matter what time I pass by.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

fifth homework

Death penalty?
Hm, It’s quite the controversial theme. I’ve heard that many peple are asking it back, but I seriously doubt they’re going to do it, or even apply it if they eventualy take it back. In Chile judges hardly apply a decent condemn to criminals, even if they have enough proof. What is there to expect from those judges if they had the death penalty chances are they will be forgiven anyway, and even perpetual penalty is really perpetual (I’m not sure, but I guess it’s around 40 years or so, pardon the ignorance).
When I watch in Tv people screaing for death penalty for some criminal, I wonder what will happen if it really comes back: I guess if that people are left with the criminal at their will they would go ahead and lynch him or her as a mob, but I really doubt that if one those of those people was given a gun and told: “Ok, he/she will have death penalty, but you’re the one doing the killing,” I guess most of people would draw back. I think the same would happen with judges: It must be a heavy weight on their shoulders the thought of being the responsible of the death of a person. Maybe that’s why they got soft on crimes (or they are threatened, it’s a possibility). Then again, you could say that those people where “asking” for it: Death penalty is normally reserved for the most atrocious crimes. So I really don’t have a solid opinion about it: it would be fair, but I wouldn’t have to guts to give it.

fourth homework

Sorry for being so late, sometimes I forgot to check the blog. There are many places I would to go: I would like to go to Venice, Tokyo, London, Sydney, etc. But if I had to pick just one, I guess I’ll go to Egypt: I always dreamed of visiting the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings. In fact, when I was in school I seriously thought about becoming an archeologist, but I guess I got discouraged when I heard chances were I would end up as a curator. Besides, I thought of becoming a veterinarian way before that. A friend of mine when there and told it was marvelous, but unfortunately his camera had a problem and all the photos he took were erased. Other place I would like to visit is the Galapagos islands: I know you can go there in some tours, but they’re quite expensive.
If I had the chance to study aborad I guess I’ll pick Australia or France: I heard that in Autralia they are always asking for forgein students, but I also heard that chileans aren’t very welcome there because they’re quite known for their habit of leeching the health and unemployement inssurance. I would like to go to study in France because I already know French: it was my second language so guess I can manage better than in English.