Saturday, April 24, 2010

Homework 2; transantiago

Well, since I'm from Viña, I really didn't had the chance to use the pre-Transantiago system, but that won't get me away with this homework (>.<) I took the bus twice or three time at most before living here, and I guess it was pretty okay, very much like in Viña (just as cramped). When I saw on TV the videos when Transantiago just started, I was dismayed at the thought of having to use Transantiago, but fortunately it got better in March. Now i really got used to it; it's a fact that is really cramped, but that depends which way you are going and when: I can pick seats on the way to college, but when I get back home I have to feel lucky if I manage to get in the wagon. And the buses have way better drivers (don't know if the are the same as before) than Viña, but sometimes when they have a sudden brake i still end up dangling from the upper pole.

1 comment:

  1. Well, since I'm from Viña, I really didn't WF had the chance to use the pre-Transantiago system, but that won't get me away with this homework (>.<) I took the bus twice or three time at most before living here, and I guess it was pretty okay, very much like in Viña (just as cramped). When I saw on TV the videos when Transantiago just started, I was ? dismayed at the thought of having to use Transantiago, but fortunately it got better in March. Now i really got used to it; it's a fact that is really cramped, but that depends which way you are going and when: I can pick seats on the way to college, but when I get back home I have to feel lucky if I manage to get in the wagon. And the buses have way better drivers (don't know if the are the same as before) than Viña, but sometimes when they have a sudden brake i still end up dangling from the upper pole.

    well I dont know much he system in Vina but probably it was better thatn the old systme...
    p.s. you got a 5.3
