Saturday, April 24, 2010

third homework

Second therm 2009? (shudders)
Well, I guess a pretty hectic one: It had 3 hard courses (most terms have one or two) and in each course (save from one)you had to make written works, so I had a lot of team work to do. I have nothing against team work (specially when everybody cooperates, wich almost never happens), but sometimes its really hard to coordinate people, specially when our schedules aren’t in sync because roughly half of students flunked their first try. That last point being really worrysome, because some courses now had over 100 people, and in the first test less than 40 people passed at the first exam. Anyway, I managed to pass all of them, but still I don’t really understand how. Guess it’s because I tried really hard and I practically had no social life. I remember I had around 3 or 4 hours of sleep each day and I was falling sleep almost anywhere (subway floor included). I also had a hard time trying to focus on classes even if I sat the front row. Also, a chunk of my hair turned white and it cost me a whole summer fghting with my sister because she wanted to pluck it off, but that meant that it would grow back thicker so I would look like some kinda toothbrush. Well, I gues this pretty much covers the themes, save from what I did learn: I must confess that I had to cram a lot even if I studied 2 weeks in advance, so I ponder if is really wise to put Genetics, Pathology II and Clinical Exploration Methods in the same term. What I did learn its that you always think you are in the hardest term of the whole career, but then you end up into a worse one.

Homework 2; transantiago

Well, since I'm from Viña, I really didn't had the chance to use the pre-Transantiago system, but that won't get me away with this homework (>.<) I took the bus twice or three time at most before living here, and I guess it was pretty okay, very much like in Viña (just as cramped). When I saw on TV the videos when Transantiago just started, I was dismayed at the thought of having to use Transantiago, but fortunately it got better in March. Now i really got used to it; it's a fact that is really cramped, but that depends which way you are going and when: I can pick seats on the way to college, but when I get back home I have to feel lucky if I manage to get in the wagon. And the buses have way better drivers (don't know if the are the same as before) than Viña, but sometimes when they have a sudden brake i still end up dangling from the upper pole.
Well i just checked the english blog and found out that I had to make some homework, so let's get into it.... Well, hi world, I finally have a blog even if I didn't really wanted to; to don't really like having my name around the web without knowing. I remember last year I made a facebook account and I haven't really checked it since then (XD). Well , I guess this is about 70 words, hope I didn't make too many mistakes.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First post

Well, I don't really like to have my name on internet, but this is for the english course, so yeah...