Sunday, July 11, 2010

Last session

Oh, the final one? I’m really (and honestly) going to miss ranting here. Maybe I should keep this blog. I’ll pick the topic about my academic performance this semester ( I ranted enough about last year in one previous homework). I think I did pretty okay this term, but I always think I could have done better, but reality is that I get really tired or demotivated easily, so sometimes I don’t feel like studying at all(shame on me). Even like that, I have a rigorous study schedule, but sometimes it messes up when I forget a test or teachers gives us extra load without any advice.

For example, about two weeks ago ( I don’t remember anymore) I had the second Reproduction test for that Tuesday, I had to present a team work for Public Health, turn in the Medicine portfolio that had been consciously procrastinated for that Friday and that same day we had the second Biotechnology test. If that doesn’t sounds overwhelming, add the fact that last week the Medicine teachers suddenly nominated me for a fourth (everyone else had three) night shift for that Thursday! I did complain but didn’t make much of a fuss: they promised me I would have only two night shifts next semester (I really hope they keep their word). I remember I was very tired all week cause I had to stay late cramming for the tests (it’s not like I didn’t study earlier. I don’t remember now but I’m pretty sure we had more tests last week and so on....) and I was really mad because I felt teachers didn’t considerate our situation (in fact, it’s pretty much like that on every course). I remember I was really happy that weekended, but because the lack of sleep I can’t really recall what else happened. That’s why I don’t even remember when it exactly happened!

Well, at the end of that week everything went pretty much okay (I’m only missing the result from the Public Health work). I always say when bad things come is an announcement that things are going to get better, like a karmic retribution: I even got better grades than average, guess I work better under pressure but I don’t want that kind of pressure anymore. Furthermore, that Thursday I got to help a bit in a operation, it was really fun! The only bad thing is that weeks like those can come any second, I wish teachers would be more organized. Oh I’m over the words, but I would like to add that this semester I realized that even when I think thing are really looking down, if I put some effort I can still keep going, but I wonder until when sometimes.